Putting locums at the forefront of Locumate

Our co-founder Surge Singh tells us how Locumate works and the benefits for locums. Plus, get a sneak peek of what the app and its different features look like! 

“It’s just as easy as going onto the app, asking questions on the chat function, and grabbing the shift.”

Watch the video below to learn more!

NSW and QLD, we’re live!

When we launched Locumate a few short months ago in Victoria, we said we’d let you know once we were available in other states. 

Well, that time has come. 

The Locumate app, and all its features, is now officially available for pharmacies and locums in NSW and QLD. 

Pharmacies can start posting jobs and finding the right locums for their business, while locums can start browsing for work opportunities and filling the shifts they want and need. 

We started Locumate because we knew there was a better way to give locums and pharmacies, just like you, control of their staff and their careers.

 If you’re in NSW or QLD, download our app today and try it for yourself.

Get Locumate!

Refresh your dispensing skills with Z Software

Team Z believe that software development should be an evolution, a perpetual cycle of adapting and developing to new technologies. A constant strive towards empowering pharmacies with the capabilities to achieve what is not achievable today; a Zero boundary attitude towards pharmacy software development.

The team started out by developing the highly feature rich, versatile dispensing system formerly known as DispenseIT. DispenseIT was originally marketed and sold as a package in combination with an externally built POS system. Despite reasonable success, it was soon evident that DispenseIT required a partnering POS system which would truly maximise its features and forward thinking foundations. The team went back to work.

After extensive research and development (and espressos) the Z team produced an equally impressive POS and back office. A fully integrated ‘Next Gen’ system. Z was born.

The icons below provide quick guides to familiarise yourself with Z Software. 

Got a question about  Z Software?

Visit: www.zsoftware.com.au/contact

What our new automated payments feature means for locums

We recently launched our new automated invoicing and payments feature, and we’re excited about what this means for our community of locums. After a shift has finished, our app will automatically create an invoice and send it to the pharmacy for payment. And once it’s received, it’ll automatically be transferred to the locum by the payment gateway.

Locumate co-founder Surge Singh says this results in a huge time saving for everyone involved. “I think the biggest impact it will have is giving people back time, both the pharmacies and the locums. We did user research on both sides, and didn’t want to build something that no one wanted.”

“People are spending their weekends writing invoices. Submitting them in and if there’s one little mistake, you rinse and repeat the process. Before you know it you spent multiple hours creating an invoice waiting weeks to get paid, if that’s the right amount. By automating that feature, as soon as the time sheet’s approved, everything’s done for them behind the scenes by the application. So all of the data is always correct and handles the process for them.” 

This means that locums get to do more of the things they love with their time, rather than creating invoices. Just ask locum, Thi, who says the Locumate app has saved him about an hour a week in invoicing – time he now spends with his family. 

 “[The invoicing and payments feature is] probably one of the best features that Locumate has. Usually, if I normally do four or five shifts a week, in five different pharmacies, and it could be five different owners or five different locum organisations, then I’ll have to finish the invoice, make sure everything on there is all correct, and make sure I send it to the right person. Some shifts have different timeframes and different rates, so it’s confusing. You start to make mistakes and you send the wrong things. Then I have to follow up to make sure that it’s all good.” 
For Kavita Nadan, Locumate’s other co-founder, this feature is just one of many that gives control back to its users. “It’s all about putting a lot of independence back into the locum and the pharmacy’s hands. You now have this transparency over what rate you’re going to pay and what rate you can ask for as a locum, as well as making the process quick and easy.”

“With Locumate, it’s different”: 5 minutes with a locum pharmacist

We caught up with Melbourne-based locum, Thi, who’s just started using Locumate to find work. 

Tell us about yourself? 

I’m a community pharmacist. I’ve been a full time pharmacist since 2008, and then last year I started doing some more locum shifts. 

What’s the best thing about being a locum?

The flexibility of hours for my needs and for my family. I changed from full-time to locum work, purely because of one reason, and that’s to suit my timeframe for the children and for the family. I found that with a full-time job, it’s pretty hard to take days off even if you plan ahead. But as a locum, if you plan ahead, it’s perfectly doable.

What’s it like being able to choose your own hours and choose the pharmacy that you work at?

It’s great. I’ve never had this feeling before because as a full time employee, you turn up at the set time and can’t really change it. As a locum, it can be a daunting experience to start with at a new pharmacy, because you don’t know where things are, or who the other staff might be. But it’s a matter of getting used to it. Now I find that it’s quite good. Sometimes people might be afraid and sometimes people just thrive on it. So, I guess I’m the second one.

It definitely sounds like you’re thriving! Tell us how you heard about Locumate?

I first heard about Locumate in 2021 through a friend of mine. And he told me, “Oh, look, give this a go. It’s a new platform. They’re just getting things ready and they should be up and running pretty soon, by the end of 2021.” So I put my name on there, registered and did a few shifts. 

Why did you decide to give it a go?

When I read online, the Locumate website mentioned some things about being easier for the locum, for processing all the invoicing, looking for shifts, planning for shifts and so on. So I wanted to try it. The way that I normally locum, is basically to have a list of days and times that are available for you, then try to match all of that availability to different shifts. 

Now with Locumate it’s different. At the beginning, you set up your rates, the distance you’re prepared to travel and your availability. Whatever shifts come up are filtered to match you. It’s shortened the amount of time that I have to spend to get the shifts and the hours that I want.

You mentioned processing invoicing. Tell us about the benefit of the automatic payment feature. 

It’s lovely. I like it. I reckon, it’s probably one of the best features that Locumate has. Usually, if I normally do four or five shifts a week, in five different pharmacies, and it could be five different owners or five different locum organisations, then I’ll have to finish the invoice, make sure everything on there is all correct, and make sure I send it to the right person. Some shifts have different timeframes and different rates, so it’s confusing. You start to make mistakes and you send the wrong things. Then I have to follow up to make sure that it’s all good.

Locumate has online invoicing where as soon as the shift is complete, you’re reminded to do the invoice online. And all you need to do is click a few buttons and it’s done. It’s cut out a lot of the behind the scene things that I had to do. 

How much time do you think that saves you?

I reckon if I do roughly about four or five shifts a week, I’d nearly spend an hour doing it all. 

And what do you do with that time instead?

Of course, spend it with the children and the family. That was the very reason I chose to be a locum!

Last question, Thi. What’s your advice to someone thinking about joining Locumate?

It’s free to join. So go ahead! It’s saved me a lot of time with invoicing and with shift selection.

Locum referral program

Introducing our locum referral program

What’s better than one locum?


Do you have a few pharmacist friends who you think might like to join Locumate? We’re excited to launch our locum referral program, to help build our community of dedicated locums, ready to hit the ground running. When you invite three friends to join Locumate and they register, we’ll send you $50. Simple. 


Why are we doing this?


We’re building our community of locums and pharmacies on Locumate, and we need you to help us grow it. We know that we couldn’t exist without our wonderful locums and that when more locums join, we can have an even bigger and better impact in the pharmacy sector. We believe the best people to spread the word about Locumate are our existing locums, as they know first hand how our app works, the best way to make our app features work for you, and all of the benefits that come with being a locum on Locumate. 


How does it work?


When you refer three friends to Locumate, they’ll receive an email from us inviting them to register. Once they all do, you’ll receive $50. We’ll add this to your next invoice.  

Resourcing over the holiday season

Navigating the Busy Holiday Season in Australian Pharmacies

Whether it’s sorting out repeat prescriptions, gift buying, school holiday season, or regional pharmacies dealing with sunburnt holidaymakers, it’s no secret that summer in Australia brings with it a busy time for pharmacists. Now, we’re not complaining here; ask any pharmacist and they’ll tell you that a bustling store is one hundred times better than a quiet one.

Staffing Challenges During the Holiday Season

But mix an increased demand with regular staff on leave and all of a sudden what should be an exciting, lively time turns into a recipe for stress, understaffing and customer dissatisfaction.

Maintaining Balance with Locumate During the Holiday Season

But just because everyone else is having a great time on holidays doesn’t mean you can’t relax, either. That’s where Locumate comes in.

Locums: Make the Most of the Holiday Season with Extra Shifts

For locums, it’s a great time to pick up extra shifts, and we’re here to help make finding those shifts easier than ever. By creating a free profile and sharing your availability and rates on the Locumate app, you’ll be able to browse jobs according to your preferences. From there, you can accept shifts and communicate with pharmacies directly. You’ll know exactly how much you’ll be paid (great for holiday budgeting) and what software a pharmacy uses before accepting a shift. Submit invoices and get paid on time, and view your schedule in our handy calendar.

Pharmacies: Ensure Smooth Operations During the Holiday Season with Locumate

For pharmacies, Locumate locums can help fill gaps in your rostering, from adding extra resources during peak times, to finding someone to cover for your regular staff quickly. Creating a job is quick and easy, and once a locum approves it, you’ll be able to communicate directly for a smooth arrival and transition. You’ll also be able to see how much a locum charges up front (which is also good for your holiday budgeting)!

Enjoy a Stress-Free Holiday Season with Locumate

So remember, the silly season doesn’t have to be stressfully silly. Don’t get caught out by being understaffed this summer. A little bit of planning and harnessing technology can go a long way. Find out more at: https://locumate.com.au/

50 years a pharmacist: meet locum Alan

A Half-Century Journey in Pharmacy: Meet Locum Alan Lewis

After working as a pharmacist for 50 years, Alan Lewis knows a thing or two about the industry. We caught up with him to find out about his career highlights, his advice, and the role of Locumate in shaping the future of pharmacy. 

Tell us about yourself? 

Next week I’ll be 50 years a pharmacist, so that makes me 21 years old (laughs). I’m one of those rare people that really enjoy what I’m doing. 

This year, I’ve been doing a lot of vaccinations. I’ve done about 800 vaccinations to date this year, and I love it. I’ve got a humanitarian approach; lots of people are hesitant or nervous, so I try to make people feel very comfortable, and always try to distract them with a chat so they don’t realise the needle is going in. 

Why did you decide to pursue a career in pharmacy? 

Growing up, I had a very sick mother and I would often go to the pharmacy for her. We lived about 20 metres from a pharmacy so I’d go and get her scripts dispensed. It was one of those old-fashioned pharmacies with bottles of liquid in them, it was a very small shop. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t very clever for a child to be picking up psychotropic medications! 

In my third year of school, I had a teacher who said that “whatever you choose in life, make sure it’s something where you help other people.” That really resonated with me. All the kids I went to school with ended up doing medicine or pharmacy. My brother – a year ahead of me at school – did pharmacy and he had a very successful business for close to 45 years. I encouraged him to do pharmacy and I’m glad he did! 

Tell us about your role now? 

I’m a locum pharmacist and I also do home medication reviews. I’m very hands on, progressive, and like putting people at the centre. I’ve always done locuming. It’s a bit of a break away from my consulting work and it keeps me in touch with reality, it keeps me at the forefront. 

If someone was considering a career in pharmacy, what would you say to them? 

I think the one single characteristic someone needs to work in pharmacy is empathy. You have to care. Patients can feel empathy. You can’t be a pharmacist unless you really care for what you’re doing. 

You’ve got to be able to feel like you’ve done a good day’s work, it’s not just about doing 150 scripts a day, it’s about helping people in a way they’ve never been helped before.

You have to be human. Talk about side effects, ask if someone is taking certain medication for the first time. It’s not about sticking a label on a bottle, it goes way beyond that. 

Can you tell us about a career highlight? 

Oh there’s been too many. I suppose a home visit case where I prevented someone from suiciding was a highlight. But interacting with people every day is great, I just love it. 

How did you find out about Locumate, and how’s it going so far? 

I found out about Locumate through Pharmacists on Call. It’s a new platform, so I think technology is a good thing for the sector. Locumate is getting rid of a lot of bugbears. I think it’s time saving, which is important for me because I’m so busy. Confirming dates and rates is time consuming, plus I spend a lot of time doing invoices, so I think making that easier and quicker is a good thing.

What are your top three pieces of advice for other locum pharmacists? 

  1. Appearance is really important. Keep your white coats spotless and wear a proper badge.
  2. Take a patient- first approach. 
  3. Go beyond the label. Go out of your way and spend time getting up to date with medications and advice. Know what you’re talking about.