Connecting Locums & Pharmacies

Australia’s Locum Marketplace

We help pharmacies engage with the largest network of trusted independent locums to cover illnesses, holidays and training… or just to help out when it’s super busy.

Connect with a Locum that has the Skills You Need

Find a locum that:

  • meets your pharmacy requirements
  • understands your dispensing software
  • provides your high level of service

Find Local Jobs that Match Your Skillset, Get Paid on Time

  • Choose shifts that match your preferences
  • Know exactly what to expect before you arrive
  • See which dispensing software is used


Pharmacies and Locums Love Locumate

The Vape Debate

Australia is currently embroiled in a heated discourse over the proposed de-scheduling of vapes from Schedule 4 (prescription-only medicines) to Schedule 3 (pharmacist-only medicines). This

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Our Network

We’ve filled over 8,000 locum shifts at some of Australia’s leading pharmacies