Pay Next Day: Get Paid Faster with Locumate 

Imagine finishing a day’s work and waking up the next morning to find your payment already sitting in your bank account. Sounds too good to be true? Not anymore, thanks to our “Pay Next Day” (PND) feature – it’s essentially a faster payment system designed and developed by Locumate for locums who usually face traditional waiting game or delays in receiving their earnings. When you’ve completed your work, instead of waiting for the typical payroll cycle that could extend for weeks, PND ensures that you receive your payment within 24 hours after your work has been verified and approved. This offers you predictability and greater financial stability. 

Why did we introduce PND? 
  • Locums often juggle multiple jobs and financial commitments. Waiting for payments can disrupt their cash flow and planning. 
  • No financial stability and predictability for locums. 


How does it work? 


  • Locums verify their “Bank Details” on app. 
  • Locums upload their “Identification and Insurance Documents” on app. 


  • Locum completes the shift. 
  • Locum submits the timesheet. 
  • Pharmacy approves the timesheet within 48 hours after which time it will be auto approved. 
  • Locum receives payment within 24 hours of timesheet approval. 



  • Fast payments – no more waiting for weeks. 
  • Financial predictability. 
  • Simplified payment process. 

Still having any issues with payments? Our support team is always ready to help. Just reach out to [email protected].au with your shift details, and we’ll sort it out. 

 Pay Next Day is revolutionising how locums get paid. It’s fast, efficient, and designed with you in mind. Ready to say goodbye to traditional payment systems and delays? Start using Pay Next Day today and experience the difference! 

Kind regards,  
The Locumate Team 


Prescription for Success: Psychological Safety in the Pharmacy World 

In the fast-paced environment of pharmacies, where precision and empathy are paramount, the concept of psychological safety holds huge significance. This concept revolves around creating a workplace culture where individuals feel secure to voice their opinions, share concerns, and contribute ideas without the fear of judgment or negative consequences. 
Pharmacists deal with complex medication regimens, patient queries, and evolving healthcare protocols daily. By fostering psychological safety, pharmacy teams can enhance communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. When pharmacists feel safe to express themselves and take calculated risks, they are more likely to innovate, adapt to challenges, and deliver exceptional patient care. 
To cultivate psychological safety in pharmacies, it’s essential to prioritize open dialogue, active listening, and mutual respect among team members. Encouraging feedback, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and supporting each other through challenges can create a nurturing environment where pharmacists feel valued, heard, and empowered to excel in their roles. 
Psychological safety is not just a buzzword but a fundamental aspect of promoting well-being, teamwork, and professional growth in the pharmacy setting. By embracing this concept, pharmacists can build stronger connections, enhance job satisfaction, and ultimately elevate the quality of care they provide to their patients. Let’s strive to create pharmacies where psychological safety thrives, creating a culture of trust, collaboration, and excellence in pharmaceutical practice. 

Vedrana Djurkovic

Single locum to work multiple shifts.

Based on valuable feedback we have received, we understand that when stores advertise multiple shifts, particularly to cover periods of annual leave, there is a strong preference for having a single locum to work all these shifts. This preference stems from the need for consistency and continuity within the store, which ultimately benefits both the staff and the customers.

Having the same locum for all shifts allows a single locum to become familiar with the store’s operations, staff, and procedures, which enhances efficiency and reduces the need for training to suit that specific store’s needs.
It assists in fostering trust and familiarity as customers benefit from interacting with the same locum over multiple shifts.

To address this need, we are excited to introduce a new feature that caters specifically to this requirement.

When applying for shifts, you may now see a note stating: ‘This is a bulk shift. This pharmacy requests a single locum to book all listed shifts.’ This feature is designed to streamline the process and ensure that the same locum can work all the specified shifts.


When viewing these bulk shifts, you will have the option to select or unselect all shifts as a group. This means you will not be able to pick up individual shifts within the bulk listing. By ensuring that only one locum is responsible for all the shifts, we are supporting stores in achieving their goals of operational consistency and efficiency.

Selecting a single locum to work multiple shifts

We appreciate your feedback and understand the importance of having the same locum work all necessary shifts. To address this, we are excited to introduce a feature that allows you to book all shifts with a single locum.

How it works:

1. Select dates: Begin by selecting the necessary dates for the shifts you need to fill, followed by selecting the ‘next button’.


2. Confirm shift hours page: You will then be prompted to enter the shift hours. On this page, you will now see an option to ensure all shifts are booked by one locum. Simply select ‘Yes’ when asked, “Do you want this job to be booked by a single locum?”
By enabling this feature, you can prevent multiple locums from picking up individual shifts, ensuring consistency and continuity in your store.





3. Proceed with posting shifts as normal.

We hope this new option enhances your experience and helps maintain a smooth workflow in your store. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

[email protected]

Kind regards,  
The Locumate Team 

Time is Money: Is Your Paycheck Accurate?

As a locum pharmacist, managing your finances is crucial for maintaining stability and ensuring you’re fairly compensated for your valuable work. One key aspect of this is reviewing your invoices or paychecks to ensure accuracy and transparency. Here’s a breakdown of the 4 essential steps to follow:

1. Time Accuracy: When reviewing your invoice or timesheet, ensure that you’re invoicing for the time you actually started and finished work, not just the scheduled start/finish time. This ensures you’re accurately compensated for the hours you’ve dedicated to your shift.

2. Understanding Pay Rate: Determine whether your pay rate is super inclusive or exclusive. Super inclusive means that your super contributions are included in your base pay rate, while super exclusive indicates that super is paid on top of your base rate. You can review your super contribution when you receive your invoice, when you submit your timesheet and via your Earnings Dashboard on the app in your profile section. Understanding this distinction is essential for calculating your total earnings correctly – see Locumate’s blog article “Is super really that important?” for more information. 

3. Checking Pay Rate: Verify your pay rate to ensure it aligns with your agreed-upon terms and the industry award. This information should be clearly outlined in your agreement with the pharmacy or invoice. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Locumate Support Team to clarify.

4. Taxed Amount: Review the taxed amount deducted from your paycheck to ensure accuracy. Confirm that the correct tax rate has been applied based on your income bracket (Check out the ATO for further information) and any applicable deductions or allowances.

By following these steps and diligently reviewing your invoices or paychecks, you can ensure that you’re being fairly compensated for your work as a locum pharmacist. Additionally, staying informed about your finances empowers you to address any discrepancies promptly and maintain financial stability in your career. Remember, your time and expertise are valuable, so it’s essential to advocate for yourself and ensure you’re receiving the compensation you deserve.

Applying for shifts on Locumate

At Locumate, we are constantly striving to enhance your experience and provide you with more flexibility and control over your schedule. That’s why we introduced the Apply feature. You might have already noticed that some shifts now have a blue Accept button, while others have a yellow Apply button. This feature is designed to give you more options for managing your time and finding the best opportunities. 

Why We Introduced This Feature: 
  • Increased Flexibility: By allowing you to apply for shifts, we provide more opportunities to tailor your schedule to your preferences and availability. 
  • Enhanced Opportunities: The Apply feature opens the door to more specialised or high demand shifts that might require a more detailed review process. 
  • Better Matching: This feature helps pharmacies find the best-suited locums for their specific needs, ensuring a better match for both parties. 
Benefits to You: 
  • More Control: You can now choose between immediately booking a shift or applying for one that might better suit your skills and schedule. 
  • Improved Scheduling: By having the option to apply, you can prioritise shifts that align with your career goals and availability. 
  • Professional Development: Submitting your resume or CV allows you to better showcase your skills and experience, which allows you to create a potential pipeline of future work that expands your career prospects within and potentially outside the world of locuming.  
How it works
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  • Accept Shifts: Shifts with the blue Accept button can be booked immediately, allowing you to secure work on the spot. 
  • Apply Shifts: Shifts with the yellow Apply button require you to submit your resume or CV to be considered for the role. This process ensures that pharmacies have the opportunity to review candidates and select the best fit for their needs. 
How to use the apply feature

1. Update Your Profile: Ensure your resume or CV is up-to-date by uploading it to the Documents section of your profile on the app.


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2. Apply for Shifts: When you see a shift with the yellow Apply button, submit your application to join the pool of candidates.

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3. Wait for a notification: Once the pharmacy reviews your application, you will receive a notification via the app and email about the outcome. 

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4. Respond to Offers: If you receive an offer, make sure to respond within 24 hours to secure the shift. 

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Important Note: If you accept a shift that falls within the date range of another shift you have applied for, any pending applications will be automatically withdrawn. This ensures there are no scheduling conflicts and helps you manage your commitments effectively. 

We believe this feature will greatly enhance your experience with Locumate and provide you with even more opportunities to thrive in your career.  


Kind regards,  
The Locumate Team 

What’s the Deal with Locumate’s new “Apply” vs “Accept” Feature?

In the dynamic world of locum pharmacy work, standing out from the crowd is essential for securing the best shifts and opportunities. With Locumate’s new “Apply” vs “Accept Shifts” feature, pharmacists now have even more control over their schedules and the chance to make their profiles truly shine.

So, what exactly is this feature all about?

It’s simple yet powerful: some shifts on Locumate will display a blue “Accept” button, while others will feature a yellow “Apply” button. The blue button signifies shifts that can be booked immediately, while the yellow button allows pharmacists to submit their resumes or CVs to be considered for the role. This gives pharmacists more flexibility and options in managing their time and schedule.

To make the most of this feature and ensure your profile stands out, it’s essential to have an up-to-date resume or CV to be uploaded to your Locumate profile. This document serves as your virtual calling card, showcasing your skills, qualifications, and experience. Additionally, consider including additional documents such as vaccination certificates, which can demonstrate your compliance with industry standards and requirements.

When crafting your resume or CV, be sure to highlight relevant experience, qualifications, and any specialised skills or certifications you possess. Tailor your profile to the specific needs and preferences of the pharmacies you’re interested in working with, and don’t hesitate to showcase any unique qualities or attributes that set you apart from other candidates.

Remember, responsiveness is key in the locum pharmacy world. If you receive an offer after applying for a shift, be sure to respond promptly within 24 hours to secure the opportunity. And if you accept a shift that overlaps with another you’ve applied for, rest assured that any pending applications will be automatically withdrawn, streamlining the process for both you and the pharmacy.

With Locumate’s new “Apply” vs “Accept Shifts” feature, pharmacists have the power to take control of their schedules and make their profiles stand out to potential employers. By ensuring your profile is up-to-date, tailored to the role, and responsive to offers, you can maximise your chances of landing the best locum opportunities available. So, go ahead and make your mark on Locumate today!

Harness the Power of Your Voice with Our Feedback Feature

At Locumate, we’re committed to enhancing your locum experience, ensuring each shift you take is more rewarding than the last. That’s why this week, we wanted to highlight the crucial feedback feature we have built directly within our app, which empowers you to share your insights and experiences after submitting your timesheet.


Locum feedback collection EDITED

This feedback tool is more than just a formality; it’s your direct line to shaping a better working environment. Whether it’s praising a particularly supportive pharmacy team or highlighting areas for improvement, your feedback plays a pivotal role in refining the Locumate experience for all. By sharing your thoughts, you can help pharmacies understand how they can better support locum pharmacists while also aiding in the continual enhancement of our platform. This ensures that Locumate remains responsive to your needs, facilitating better matches and more satisfying shifts.

We encourage you to make the most of this feature and always welcome any additional thoughts or experience you would like to share. Please feel free to reach out to our Support team at [email protected] – they are always here to listen and support you. Your voice matters, and we are eager for your thoughts on how we can create a more cohesive, supportive, and efficient working community for locum pharmacists everywhere.

Kind regards,  
The Locumate Team 

Transferrable Skills in Pharmacy: More than clinical knowledge

While pharmacists are known for their vast clinical knowledge on medications,
medical conditions, and available treatments, working in pharmacy equips you with a
diverse set of transferrable skills that can be valuable in various fields. Just by
working and studying in this field, here are some of the skills you are inherently

Communication Skills

Pharmacy is a communication game. Pharmacists regularly interact with patients,
healthcare professionals, and colleagues. Their need to convey complex medical
information in a clear and understandable manner hones their verbal and written
communication skills.

Attention to Detail

Dispensing and checking medications requires precision and accuracy. Pharmacists
develop keen attention to detail to ensure that prescriptions are filled correctly and
that patients receive the right medication at the right dose at the right time.

Problem-Solving Abilities

As the medication supply health professional, pharmacists are exposed to reviewing
drug interactions, considering financial issues, and mitigating medication shortages.
They must analyse situations, identify problems, and develop effective solutions to
ensure patient safety and satisfaction, whether that is in community or hospital

Time Management

Providing healthcare generally lends itself to a busy work environment, meaning that
work often involves juggling multiple tasks simultaneously, such as filling
prescriptions, counselling patients, and managing inventory. They must learn to
prioritise their workload and manage their time efficiently to meet deadlines and
provide timely service.

Customer Service Skills

Providing excellent customer service is essential to building credibility and trust
between patients. Pharmacists must be empathetic, approachable, and patient-
centred when addressing patients’ concerns or questions.

Technical Proficiency

Pharmacists use various technologies and software systems to manage patient
records, process prescriptions, or conduct drug research. They develop technical
proficiency in utilising these tools effectively so that their processes are streamlined.
These transferrable skills make pharmacists well-suited for management, education,
or research roles. They are an indispensable part to any work team!

Is super really that important?

In the fast-paced world of the modern gig economy, where flexibility and autonomy are prized, the importance of superannuation, commonly known as “super,” can sometimes be overlooked. Yet, for on-demand shift workers, sole traders, and locum pharmacists, understanding the significance of super is vital for establishing financial stability both in the present and for the future.


But what exactly is super, and why does it matter? Superannuation serves as a long-term savings plan designed to provide financial support during retirement. Typically, it involves mandatory contributions made by employers on behalf of their employees, calculated as a percentage of their earnings. For sole traders and on-demand shift workers, the responsibility often falls on their shoulders to manage their super contributions.


Now, let’s get into the specifics. Understanding the rates of super contributions is crucial. Currently, in Australia, the standard rate of superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions stands at 10% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings. However, it’s worth noting that this rate can vary based on specific circumstances or agreements.


For locum pharmacists and on-demand shift workers, navigating the complexities of super can be challenging. One crucial aspect to grasp is the distinction between super inclusive and super exclusive rates. Super inclusive involves including super contributions as part of the overall pay rate, whereas super exclusive entails paying super on top of the base rate. At Locumate, your rate of pay is displayed excluding super, providing clarity on your take-home pay.


Now, let’s discuss why super matters, particularly for those in the gig economy. As an on-demand shift worker or locum pharmacist, you essentially act as your own boss, responsible for managing your finances and securing your future. Contributing to super ensures that you’re building a nest egg for retirement, safeguarding your financial well-being down the line.


Thankfully, Locumate has streamlined this process, enabling automatic super contributions through the app. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of super similar to a permanent employee while maintaining the flexibility of an on-demand employer.


In conclusion, super isn’t just another financial obligation; it’s an investment in your future self. For on-demand shift workers, sole traders, and locum pharmacists, understanding the nuances of super contributions is essential. By prioritising super, you’re setting the stage for a secure and prosperous retirement, ensuring that your hard work today pays dividends tomorrow.