Locumate 2.0 Update(Locum Edition)

Hey Locumate Community, 

We hope you’re doing well!  

You might have noticed a few changes on the app over the last few days and that’s because we recently released Locumate version 2.0! We wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your patience and support as we’ve been hard at work bringing you these significant updates. 

With any major product release, there may be a few bumps along the road. Your patience and cooperation during this time are invaluable to us. Rest assured; our dedicated team is working diligently to address any issues swiftly. 

So, what can you expect from the latest version of Locumate?  

  1. Pay Rates: We know how confusing it can be when you are trying to calculate your total compensation as well as your super contributions. To make this easier for you, we updated the rates advertised for each shift to now be displayed without super. You can review your super contribution when you receive your invoice, when you submit your timesheet and via your Earnings Dashboard on the app in your profile section.  

 2. The Apply vs Accept Shifts feature: You might notice that some shifts will have a blue Accept button while others have a yellow Apply button. We built this feature to give you more flexibility and options for managing your schedule and time.  

  • Shifts with the Accept button can be booked immediately, while the shifts with a yellow Apply button require you to submit your resume or CV to join the pool of candidates being considered.  
  • Once the pharmacy reviews your application, you will receive a notification via the app and email to communicate the outcome. If you receive an offer, make sure you respond to it within 24 hours. 
  • To ensure you can use the Apply feature, make sure you have an up-to-date resume or CV uploaded to your profile on the app. You can do this via the Documents section.  
  • If you Accept a shift that falls with the date range of another shift you have Applied for, any pending applications will be automatically withdrawn.  
browse 2

    3. Block a pharmacy: If you prefer not to see shifts from a particular pharmacy, you now have the opportunity to block them. And you can reverse this just as easily.  

    4. Hourly email notifications for new shifts posted: We want to make sure you’re across all the latest opportunities without inundating you with emails and messages. That’s why we’re introducing an hourly email notification which will give you a list of all the shifts that we posted within the last hour, giving you full visibility on demand. This feature has been paused for now while we iron out a few minor kinks. Once it’s back on the system, we will let you know.  

We really hope these updates make your Locumate experience even better! And your feedback is always welcome so please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions or suggestions.  

Thank you again for your patience, support and for being part of the Locumate Family! 

Kind regards,  
The Locumate Team 

The Power of Personal Branding as a Pharmacist 

In today’s fiercely competitive job market, personal branding has become indispensable for professional success. This holds particularly true for early career pharmacists who are navigating the complexities of establishing themselves in the field. Personal branding involves crafting a unique identity, shaping a reputation, and projecting an image that distinguishes professionals from their peers.


Why is Personal Branding Vital for Early Career Pharmacists?


Personal branding serves as a potent tool to set early career pharmacists apart by accentuating their individual strengths, skills, and values. In a crowded job market, a compelling personal brand becomes a beacon, capturing the attention of potential employers and collaborators. Beyond mere visibility, a robust personal brand enables early career pharmacists to shape a positive professional reputation, paving the way for career advancement. Moreover, a well-established personal brand has the magnetic power to attract mentors, networking opportunities, and exclusive invitations to industry events, contributing significantly to ongoing career development.


Crafting Your Personal Brand: A Roadmap to Success


Define Your Values and Unique Selling Points:


Identify your core values, strengths, and areas of expertise.

Reflect on what sets you apart in the field and the impact you aspire to make as a pharmacist. This self-reflection forms the bedrock of your personal brand.

Craft Your Personal Brand Statement:


Develop a concise and compelling statement that communicates your unique value proposition.

Highlight your expertise, the value you bring to patients or employers, and what makes you stand out. This statement becomes the essence of your personal brand.


Online Presence:


Establish a professional online presence on platforms like LinkedIn and Locumate.

Optimise your profiles to showcase your achievements, expertise, and interests. Engage in industry discussions, share valuable content, and connect with influential professionals to expand your network and boost visibility.


Consistent Messaging:


Ensure your personal brand messaging is consistent across all channels.

Align your message from your resume and cover letter to your social media profiles and professional interactions with your personal brand statement and desired professional image.


Build Relationships and Network:


Actively participate in professional organisations, attend industry conferences, and engage in networking opportunities.

Foster relationships with mentors, colleagues, and industry influencers. Collaboration and mentorship can amplify your personal brand and open doors to new opportunities.


Continual Learning and Growth:


Invest in continuous learning and professional development.

Stay updated with the latest trends, advancements, and research in pharmacy. Demonstrate a commitment to growth, staying ahead in your field, and strengthening your personal brand.


Personal branding is not just a buzzword; it’s a crucial strategy for early career pharmacists looking to thrive in the competitive landscape of pharmacy. By crafting a strong personal brand, you not only differentiate yourself but also build a positive professional reputation, creating opportunities for career advancement. So, start today by developing your personal brand statement and optimising your LinkedIn page! Embracing personal branding not only enhances professional growth but also positions early career pharmacists as confident, competent, and influential healthcare professionals in the pharmacy field.

Why everyone is quitting their 9-to-5: The 5 Benefits of On-Demand Work

In the dynamic landscape of today’s workforce, the rise of on-demand workers is reshaping traditional employment paradigms. From flexibility to increased pay and a better work-life balance, the benefits of on-demand workers are transforming the way we approach employment. Let’s delve into the advantages that come with embracing the on-demand work model.

Flexibility Redefined

One of the standout benefits of on-demand work is the unparalleled flexibility it offers. Unlike traditional 9-to-5 jobs, on-demand workers have the autonomy to set their own schedules. This flexibility caters to diverse lifestyles, making it an ideal option for parents, students, and those seeking a better integration of work and personal commitments. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, on-demand work allows you to tailor your schedule to fit your peak productivity hours.

Better Pay

On-demand work often comes with the potential for increased earnings. The gig economy, characterised by short-term and freelance roles, allows workers to take on multiple projects simultaneously, diversifying income streams. Many on-demand platforms reward skill and efficiency, providing an opportunity for workers to be compensated at rates that reflect their expertise. This increased pay is not only a financial incentive but also a recognition of the value on-demand workers bring to the table.

Better Work-Life Balance

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is a perpetual goal for many professionals, and on-demand work excels in facilitating this equilibrium. The ability to control when and where you work contributes to a more harmonious integration of professional and personal life. Whether it’s attending a midday yoga class, spending quality time with family, or pursuing personal hobbies, on-demand work empowers individuals to craft a lifestyle that aligns with their priorities.

Access to a Diverse Range of Opportunities

On-demand work opens the door to a diverse range of opportunities that might be otherwise inaccessible in traditional employment structures. This diversity can span industries, projects, and collaborations with different teams and organisations. On-demand workers have the chance to explore their passions, acquire new skills, and build a versatile professional portfolio, enriching their overall career trajectory.

Adaptability in a Changing Economy

As the economy evolves, on-demand work proves to be a resilient and adaptable model. It caters to the gig economy’s demand for flexibility and efficiency, allowing workers to quickly pivot between projects and adapt to changing market needs. This adaptability enhances job security and empowers workers to stay relevant in an ever-changing professional landscape.

The benefits of on-demand work extend far beyond the conventional notions of employment. From the unparalleled flexibility that accommodates individual lifestyles to the potential for increased pay and a better work-life balance, on-demand work is revolutionising the way we approach our careers. Embracing the on-demand model not only opens up new opportunities but also empowers individuals to take control of their professional destinies. As we navigate the evolving world of work, the advantages of on-demand workers continue to reshape our understanding of what a fulfilling and successful career looks like.

December 2023 Newsletter

As we reflect on the past year, it’s clear that we have faced challenges, particularly with the impact of Covid and then the announcement of the 60-day dispensing. Through it all, your commitment, hard work, and ongoing support have been nothing short of amazing. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for allowing us to support you, whether as a locum or a pharmacy in need. Getting to know some of you has been such a highlight, and we are so happy to have you on this
Locumate journey with us. Please remember, we are always here to support you. Whether you have questions, concerns, or just want to chat, our door is always open.

As we approach the holiday season, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas filled with joy and time spent with loved ones, and a very Happy New Year!

Please click below to access our newsletter. 

Locum Newsletter – December 2023

Pharmacy Newsletter – December 2023


How To Start The New Year Off Right: A Pharmacist’s Guide to New Year Preparation and Goal Setting

As the year comes to a close, pharmacists everywhere are gearing up for a fresh start in the new year. It’s the perfect time to reflect on achievements, learn from challenges, and set the stage for professional growth. In this guide, we’ll explore how pharmacists can best prepare for the upcoming year and leverage Locumate to set and achieve meaningful goals.

Reflect on the Past Year

Before diving into the new year, take a moment to reflect on the past one. What were your successes, challenges, and areas for improvement? Reflecting on your experiences can provide valuable insights that will inform your goals for the future.

Set SMART Goals

When setting goals for the new year, remember the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Instead of a vague resolution, such as “improve patient interactions,” try setting a specific and measurable goal like “attend a communication skills workshop to enhance patient interactions by March.”

Explore New Training and Certification Opportunities

Pharmacy is an ever-evolving field, and staying updated on the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Use the PSA, AJP and other CPD platforms to explore training and certification opportunities that align with your career goals. Whether it’s expanding your knowledge in a specialised area or gaining a new certification, continuous learning contributes to professional growth.

Network and Collaborate

Networking is a powerful tool in any pharmacist’s arsenal. Leverage community groups to connect with fellow pharmacists, share insights, and even collaborate on projects. Building a strong professional network can open doors to new opportunities and provide a support system for your career journey.

Utilise Locumate for Career Advancement

Locumate, your trusted ally in finding locum opportunities, can play a pivotal role in your career advancement. Update your Locumate profile with your latest achievements, certifications, and skills. This ensures that potential employers have an accurate and comprehensive view of your capabilities.

Balance Work and Personal Life

While career goals are important, don’t forget to set personal goals that contribute to your overall well-being. Use Locumate to manage your locum assignments efficiently, allowing for a better work-life balance. Whether it’s allocating time for hobbies, exercise, or family, a balanced life contributes to overall happiness and success.

As the new year approaches, pharmacists have a unique opportunity to set the stage for a successful and fulfilling year ahead. By leveraging Locumate, reflecting on the past year, setting SMART goals, exploring new opportunities, networking, and balancing work and personal life, you can chart a course for success in the ever-evolving field of pharmacy. Cheers to a year of growth, learning, and achievement!

The Future of Work: On-Demand Workers Reshaping the Labor Landscape

In recent years, the nature of work has been evolving rapidly, driven in large part by technological advancements and shifting societal attitudes towards traditional employment structures. One prominent facet of this transformation is the rise of on-demand or gig workers, fundamentally altering how individuals engage with work and how businesses operate. This article explores the emergence and impact of on-demand workers, shedding light on their role in shaping the future of work.

The Rise of On-Demand Workers

On-demand work, often referred to as the gig economy, encompasses a diverse range of work arrangements where individuals provide services on a temporary or flexible basis. Enabled by digital platforms and mobile applications, on-demand work spans various sectors, including transportation (e.g., Uber, Lyft), accommodation (e.g., Airbnb), freelancing (e.g., Upwork, Fiverr), and more.

The appeal of on-demand work lies in its flexibility and accessibility. Individuals can choose when, where, and how much they work, aligning their employment with personal preferences and circumstances. This flexibility is particularly attractive to students, freelancers, stay-at-home parents, or those seeking supplemental income. Moreover, the gig economy allows workers to diversify their skill sets, gain experience across multiple industries, and enjoy a better work-life balance.

Impact on Traditional Employment

The rise of on-demand workers has disrupted the traditional employer-employee relationship. Many individuals are opting for gig work over conventional jobs due to the perceived freedom and autonomy it offers. This shift is prompting businesses to reevaluate their hiring practices, compensation models, and workplace policies to stay competitive and appealing to modern workers.

Companies are increasingly leveraging gig workers to enhance their agility and scalability. On-demand workers can be swiftly deployed during peak demand periods, ensuring companies can meet customer needs without maintaining a large, fixed workforce. This approach optimises labor costs and enables companies to adapt more efficiently to market fluctuations.

Challenges and Concerns

While the gig economy presents opportunities, it is not without its challenges. On-demand workers often lack the traditional benefits and protections associated with standard employment, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave. This raises concerns about financial stability, social security, and the long-term well-being of gig workers.

Additionally, the gig economy can exacerbate income inequality. Earnings for gig workers can vary significantly based on demand, location, and the specific platform they work on. Some may struggle to earn a sustainable income, leading to financial insecurity and limited access to essential services.

Regulation and Future Outlook

As the gig economy continues to grow and reshape the labor landscape, governments and policymakers are grappling with how to regulate it effectively. Balancing the need to protect workers while fostering innovation and entrepreneurship is a delicate task. Proposed regulations often aim to strike a balance by providing certain rights and benefits to gig workers without stifling the flexibility and innovation that defines the gig economy.

In the future, we may witness a hybrid model that combines the flexibility of gig work with some of the protections associated with traditional employment. Initiatives like portable benefits, which would allow gig workers to accrue benefits across multiple employers, are being explored to address some of the challenges faced by gig workers.


The rise of on-demand workers and the gig economy is transforming the nature of work, challenging traditional employment models and prompting a reconsideration of labor regulations. While it offers newfound flexibility and opportunities, addressing concerns related to job security, income stability, and worker protections remains crucial.

The future of work is likely to be a blend of traditional employment and on-demand arrangements, striving to strike a balance that benefits both workers and businesses. As the gig economy continues to evolve, it will be essential to find innovative solutions that foster a fair, inclusive, and sustainable work environment for all.

Prioritising Mental Health: A Prescription for Pharmacist Well-being

In the bustling world of healthcare, pharmacists are the unsung heroes who ensure timely access to medicines. Yet, amidst the constant rush to serve others, their own mental health often takes a backseat. In this article, we’ll delve into the crucial importance of mental health for pharmacists, shedding light on the impact of recent and upcoming mental health awareness campaigns, and gaining insights from our Locumate partners.

Why is mental health particularly vital for pharmacists?

First and foremost, the cornerstone of a pharmacist’s role is to provide patient care and assist others. To deliver optimal care, maintaining good mental health is paramount for making sound decisions and effectively communicating with patients. Empathy plays a significant role in this equation. To help and understand others, pharmacists need to ensure their own well-being first. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Working in a pharmacy can be exceptionally high-pressure, with long hours and a profound responsibility for patient safety. Stress and burnout are common challenges, underlining the urgency of prioritising mental well-being to cope with the demands of the job.

Pharmacists also regularly confront emotionally taxing situations when dealing with patients facing serious illnesses and end-of-life care. Developing emotional resilience is a vital asset, enabling them to navigate these challenging scenarios while safeguarding their own mental health.

By prioritising mental health, pharmacists set a powerful example for their patients and colleagues. It underscores the significance of seeking help when necessary and fosters a culture of well-being.

Mental Health Awareness Campaigns: RUOK Day and Movember

Every September, RUOK Day brings the critical role of mental health to the forefront. This nationwide event encourages a simple yet profound question: “Are you okay?” It serves as a poignant reminder for pharmacists who, amidst long hours and the weight of patient care, sometimes forget to ask this crucial question – not only to others but also to themselves. We invite you to check out our latest Elevate My Pharmacy Career Series podcast with Kay from the Pharmacists Support Service Australia (available on Spotify). In this episode, Kay shares invaluable insights on how pharmacists can navigate the demanding aspects of their profession while making their mental well-being a top priority. She offers practical tips for pharmacists aiming to enhance their mental health in our fast-paced working world today.

In addition to September, Movember, the month of magnificent moustaches, is more than just a facial hair fashion statement. It’s a rallying cry for men’s mental health awareness. Men often find it challenging to openly discuss their mental well-being, but Movember strives to shatter the stigma surrounding these conversations. Within the Locumate team, several valiant souls are gearing up to participate in Movember, embodying the spirit of unity and raising awareness about mental health challenges that affect everyone, regardless of gender. Stay tuned on our social media for updates throughout the month!

In the realm of healthcare, the well-being of pharmacists is intricately connected to the well-being of the patients they serve. RUOK Day serves as a poignant reminder to initiate crucial conversations about mental health, while Movember encourages open dialogue and solidarity in the face of these challenges. The importance of mental health for pharmacists cannot be emphasised enough; it forms the bedrock of their ability to provide exceptional care and navigate the formidable aspects of their profession. Let’s unite, raise awareness, and wholeheartedly support the mental health of our dedicated pharmacists. After all, a healthy pharmacist is a better healer.

Day in the life of Vedrana Djurkovic

I am currently writing this piece almost at the end of my intern supervised hours, and studying for my exams. When I was asked to write about a day in my life, I think I screwed my face up and thought “why?” because there is nothing interesting about my life at the moment. I work, eat, study, sleep and repeat. 


I work full time in a community pharmacy where I have been since I started my degree. So I am very familiar with the staff, store processes and customers. At work I have been trying to focus on asking as many questions as I can, to best prepare myself for when I graduate and am working on my own. The closer I come to getting my registration, the more I am excited, but also nervous, about the future. I’ve thought about being on my own and not having a support team, pharmacists to check my work, and it can be daunting coming to the realisation that I will be completely responsible for the decisions I make. It’s a huge responsibility, and it surprises me that I didn’t really think about this until now. 


Working full time and studying at the same time has been really tough for me. I come home from work and I’m too exhausted to study most nights. I let go of some of my hobbies at the start of my internship because I felt I was struggling to maintain them, and simply did not have the mental capacity to uphold them. However, after checking in with the owner of the pharmacy, she did remind me to think about myself and my mental health. Shortly after realising I was just a big ball of stress, I got back into working out and feeling better about myself. Which, in turn, made me feel more relaxed, and led me to have a clearer head.


Most of the year I was trying to keep up with my school work. I study at work by interacting with customers, doctors and involving myself in new situations to further enhance my knowledge and skills. As well as, spending time to sit down with my preceptor every week and go through medicine knowledge. 


The most challenging part of my internship thus far, is the pressure. This year felt like you were being punched from every angle at the same time. So many things you need to do, all at once. But my advice would be to stay organised, and write out everything you would like to complete every couple of months and work towards completing these tasks. Most importantly, we do need to be reminded to look after ourselves. We are so focused on finishing our degree, that we can neglect our personal health. I’ve learnt this is so important to maintain balance and without that, we’re unable to show up at our best. 

can you make a Career out of being a Locum

Can you make a career out of being a locum?

A career as a locum pharmacist can be both rewarding and lucrative. Locum pharmacists are highly sought after in the healthcare industry due to their flexibility and expertise. They provide temporary or contract-based pharmacy services, filling in for regular pharmacists who are on leave or during peak periods. Here are some key points to consider when considering a career as a locum pharmacist:


Flexibility and Variety As A Locum:

One of the main advantages of being a locum pharmacist is the flexibility it offers. You have the freedom to choose when and where you work, allowing you to create a schedule that fits your lifestyle. This flexibility also provides opportunities to gain experience in different healthcare settings, such as hospitals, community pharmacies, or even working in remote areas. This variety can enhance your professional skills and broaden your knowledge base, making a career as a locum very attractive.

Competitive Remuneration:

Locum pharmacists often enjoy higher pay rates compared to permanent positions due to the temporary nature of their work. As a locum, you may negotiate your rates based on factors like location, experience, and the demand for your services. This can result in a potentially higher income compared to a traditional employed pharmacist role.

Professional Development Along Your Career As A Locum:

Working as a locum pharmacist exposes you to a diverse range of pharmacy practices, systems, and teams. This exposure can significantly contribute to your professional development by expanding your clinical skills, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, working in different environments allows you to learn from various professionals, which can enhance your overall expertise and knowledge.

Networking Opportunities:

As a locum pharmacist, you have the chance to network with professionals across various healthcare settings. Building relationships with pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals can open doors to new career opportunities, referrals, and valuable connections. This network can be advantageous when looking for future locum assignments or even transitioning into a permanent position if desired.

Work-Life Balance:

Being a locum pharmacist allows for greater control over your work-life balance. You have the ability to choose where and how often you work, enabling you to allocate time for personal commitments, family, hobbies, or other interests. This flexibility can lead to reduced burnout and increased overall job satisfaction.

Personal and Professional Growth –  What A Career As A Locum Has In Store:

Working as a locum pharmacist requires adaptability, quick learning, and the ability to integrate seamlessly into different work environments. This experience can foster personal and professional growth by challenging you to constantly acquire new skills, improve communication abilities, and excel in diverse settings. This adaptability can be valuable in future career endeavours and can set you apart in the competitive job market.

In conclusion, a career as a locum pharmacist offers a unique blend of flexibility, variety, professional development, and financial rewards. It allows you to tailor your work to suit your lifestyle while providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. If you enjoy diverse experiences, independence, and the ability to make a positive impact on patient’s lives, becoming a locum pharmacist can be a fulfilling and successful career choice.

The benefits of Pay Next Day

In today’s fast-paced world, financial stability and flexibility are highly valued; one emerging trend that is gaining traction is the concept of “Pay Next Day.” Pay Next Day is a payment option allowing individuals to receive their wages for a day’s work the next day, rather than waiting for the traditional pay cycle. This article explores the numerous benefits of this innovative payment method and how it can enhance financial well-being for locums!

Pay Next Day – Improved Cash Flow:

One of the primary advantages of Pay Next Day is the improved cash flow it offers. By receiving wages the next day, locums can access their hard-earned money sooner and effectively manage their finances. This accelerated payment cycle can alleviate short-term financial burdens, such as unexpected expenses or urgent bills.

Financial Planning and Budgeting:

Pay Next Day empowers locums with greater control over their financial planning and budgeting. Knowing when and how much money will be available enables better budgeting decisions, allowing individuals to allocate funds more efficiently. With a clearer understanding of their income, pharmacists can proactively plan for expenses, prioritise savings, and work towards long-term financial goals (that dream holiday to Europe?).

Pay Next Day – Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Productivity:

Pharmacies adopting Pay Next Day can significantly boost locum satisfaction and overall productivity. Timely payment of wages instils a sense of financial security and trust in the pharmacy-locum relationship. By ensuring that pharmacists have access to their wages without delay, pharmacists can create a positive work environment that enhances morale, reduces financial stress, and fosters increased productivity.

Empowering Gig Economy and Freelancers:

The rise of the gig economy and freelance work has transformed the employment landscape. Pay Next Day aligns perfectly with this shift by providing a payment option catering to independent workers’ unique needs. Freelancers and gig workers often face irregular income streams, making it challenging to manage their finances effectively. Pay Next Day offers them the ability to access their earnings quickly, helping them smooth out income fluctuations and create stability in their financial lives.

two female pharmacists wearing white coats back to back, highlighting the benifits of pay next day locumate feature.

By providing immediate access to wages, this payment option empowers individuals to better manage their finances, reduce debt, and improve their overall financial well-being. With its potential to increase locum satisfaction and productivity, Pay Next Day is a win-win solution for both locums and pharmacies!