Single locum to work multiple shifts.

Based on valuable feedback we have received, we understand that when stores advertise multiple shifts, particularly to cover periods of annual leave, there is a strong preference for having a single locum to work all these shifts. This preference stems from the need for consistency and continuity within the store, which ultimately benefits both the staff and the customers.

Having the same locum for all shifts allows a single locum to become familiar with the store’s operations, staff, and procedures, which enhances efficiency and reduces the need for training to suit that specific store’s needs.
It assists in fostering trust and familiarity as customers benefit from interacting with the same locum over multiple shifts.

To address this need, we are excited to introduce a new feature that caters specifically to this requirement.

When applying for shifts, you may now see a note stating: ‘This is a bulk shift. This pharmacy requests a single locum to book all listed shifts.’ This feature is designed to streamline the process and ensure that the same locum can work all the specified shifts.


When viewing these bulk shifts, you will have the option to select or unselect all shifts as a group. This means you will not be able to pick up individual shifts within the bulk listing. By ensuring that only one locum is responsible for all the shifts, we are supporting stores in achieving their goals of operational consistency and efficiency.

Selecting a single locum to work multiple shifts

We appreciate your feedback and understand the importance of having the same locum work all necessary shifts. To address this, we are excited to introduce a feature that allows you to book all shifts with a single locum.

How it works:

1. Select dates: Begin by selecting the necessary dates for the shifts you need to fill, followed by selecting the ‘next button’.


2. Confirm shift hours page: You will then be prompted to enter the shift hours. On this page, you will now see an option to ensure all shifts are booked by one locum. Simply select ‘Yes’ when asked, “Do you want this job to be booked by a single locum?”
By enabling this feature, you can prevent multiple locums from picking up individual shifts, ensuring consistency and continuity in your store.





3. Proceed with posting shifts as normal.

We hope this new option enhances your experience and helps maintain a smooth workflow in your store. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

[email protected]

Kind regards,  
The Locumate Team 

Time is Money: Is Your Paycheck Accurate?

As a locum pharmacist, managing your finances is crucial for maintaining stability and ensuring you’re fairly compensated for your valuable work. One key aspect of this is reviewing your invoices or paychecks to ensure accuracy and transparency. Here’s a breakdown of the 4 essential steps to follow:

1. Time Accuracy: When reviewing your invoice or timesheet, ensure that you’re invoicing for the time you actually started and finished work, not just the scheduled start/finish time. This ensures you’re accurately compensated for the hours you’ve dedicated to your shift.

2. Understanding Pay Rate: Determine whether your pay rate is super inclusive or exclusive. Super inclusive means that your super contributions are included in your base pay rate, while super exclusive indicates that super is paid on top of your base rate. You can review your super contribution when you receive your invoice, when you submit your timesheet and via your Earnings Dashboard on the app in your profile section. Understanding this distinction is essential for calculating your total earnings correctly – see Locumate’s blog article “Is super really that important?” for more information. 

3. Checking Pay Rate: Verify your pay rate to ensure it aligns with your agreed-upon terms and the industry award. This information should be clearly outlined in your agreement with the pharmacy or invoice. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Locumate Support Team to clarify.

4. Taxed Amount: Review the taxed amount deducted from your paycheck to ensure accuracy. Confirm that the correct tax rate has been applied based on your income bracket (Check out the ATO for further information) and any applicable deductions or allowances.

By following these steps and diligently reviewing your invoices or paychecks, you can ensure that you’re being fairly compensated for your work as a locum pharmacist. Additionally, staying informed about your finances empowers you to address any discrepancies promptly and maintain financial stability in your career. Remember, your time and expertise are valuable, so it’s essential to advocate for yourself and ensure you’re receiving the compensation you deserve.

Preparing for Euro Summer 2024

It’s that time of the year again! When your patients plan to escape the cold winter in
Australia to enjoy the warm embrace of EURO summer. Whether your patients are
exploring the historic streets of Rome or lounging on the scenic beaches of Greece, its
important to prioritise health and well-being during travel. Here are some tips to consider
before setting off.

1. Medication Supply.

Advise your patients to ensure they have adequate supply of their medications to last the
duration of their trip. It’s a good idea to recommend taking extra, in case of any unexpected
delays or emergencies. Remind your patients to plan ahead, and give their doctors and
pharmacists plenty of time to organise prescriptions and stock before they travel. Help
patients with storage and handling of medications, especially when it comes to refrigerated
medicines. Supplying a fridge pack from the supplier or a small esky patients can transport
medications to and from travel.

2. Sun protection.

Europe’s summer sun can be intense, so it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of sun
protection. Advise your patients to pack high SPF sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to ensure
sun safety. Educate them about the risks of sunburn and heatstroke, and encourage them to
find a spot under a colourful umbrella while they enjoy the scenery, and maybe a vino.

3. Water & food safety
Discuss the significance of drinking clean and safe water while travelling. In countries where
the water quality may differ from what your patients are accustomed to, advise them to
drink bottled water, and steer clear of tap water and ice cubes. It may be beneficial for
patients to carry oral rehydration salts to help combat the heat and post soirée
rejuvenation. Offer advice on travellers’ diarrhoea prevention, including hand hygiene and
being cautious with food choices.

4. Vaccinations
Look into travel vaccine advice for certain destinations, and advise patients to speak with
their healthcare provider. Have a discussion with patients on the risk and benefits of these

As a pharmacist, it’s crucial to prioritise the health and well-being of your customers,
especially when it comes to holiday preparations. Remember, being proactive and
knowledgeable in offering advice to patients can help ensure they have a memorable and
safe summer adventure