Prescription for Success: Psychological Safety in the Pharmacy World 

In the fast-paced environment of pharmacies, where precision and empathy are paramount, the concept of psychological safety holds huge significance. This concept revolves around creating a workplace culture where individuals feel secure to voice their opinions, share concerns, and contribute ideas without the fear of judgment or negative consequences. 
Pharmacists deal with complex medication regimens, patient queries, and evolving healthcare protocols daily. By fostering psychological safety, pharmacy teams can enhance communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. When pharmacists feel safe to express themselves and take calculated risks, they are more likely to innovate, adapt to challenges, and deliver exceptional patient care. 
To cultivate psychological safety in pharmacies, it’s essential to prioritize open dialogue, active listening, and mutual respect among team members. Encouraging feedback, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and supporting each other through challenges can create a nurturing environment where pharmacists feel valued, heard, and empowered to excel in their roles. 
Psychological safety is not just a buzzword but a fundamental aspect of promoting well-being, teamwork, and professional growth in the pharmacy setting. By embracing this concept, pharmacists can build stronger connections, enhance job satisfaction, and ultimately elevate the quality of care they provide to their patients. Let’s strive to create pharmacies where psychological safety thrives, creating a culture of trust, collaboration, and excellence in pharmaceutical practice. 

Vedrana Djurkovic

Guide to 60-day Dispensing: Keeping your Patients Safe!

In the realm of pharmacy, the transition to 60-day dispensing in Australia has brought forth a wave of changes and new challenges for pharmacists. One of the major hurdles faced by pharmacists in this shift, is the crucial task of educating patients on the importance of adherence amongst the extended medication supply.


Due to the possible less frequent trips to the pharmacy, pharmacists need to make sure they are still able to monitor patient’s medications to ensure they are taken safely and correctly. Some of the risks of extended medication supply are over dosing, therefore counselling the patient on this new larger quantity of medicines, may include advice on how to store excess medication, when they are due to get a repeat dispensed, or maybe advise of drug administration aids.


It is important that patients comprehend the significance of consistent medication use, potential side effects, and the adherence to treatment plans. Pharmacists play a pivotal role in guiding patients through these changes, offering support, monitoring progress, and addressing any concerns that may surface during the extended dispensing interval.


By actively engaging with patients and providing comprehensive education, pharmacists can navigate these challenges effectively, ultimately contributing to improved patient outcomes and enhanced healthcare delivery. The journey of implementing 60-day dispensing may be complex, but with dedication to patient education and support, pharmacists can rise to the occasion and make a positive impact on patient health and well-being.

Vedrana Djurkovic