2025 is here! Here’s how to actually finish that to-do list

With the arrival of 2025, there’s no better time to channel those “new year, new you” vibes into crafting career goals. Setting goals is a powerful way to keep your work engaging, unlock new opportunities, and find fulfilment in your current role. As pharmacists, we know this process isn’t just good practice—it’s part of professional development and an AHPRA requirement.

This year, let’s make those aspirations a reality by setting SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Following this structure ensures your objectives are clear, actionable, and realistic within a set timeframe. So grab your pen and paper—let’s brainstorm and turn 2025 into your best career year yet!

Step 1: Brainstorm Your Interests

Start with an open mind and a blank page. Write down anything that piques your interest, whether it’s super specific or a broad idea. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Some examples include: something you’ve seen a colleague achieve, an interesting topic you’ve overheard in conversation or an idea from your imagination. Don’t filter yourself at this stage—just let the ideas flow!

Step 2: Focus on the Top Three

Once you’ve brainstormed a list, grab a highlighter and identify the three most exciting or important ideas. These will be your focus areas for the year.

Why three? Because while your brain excels at generating ideas, it struggles with juggling too many at once. By narrowing your focus, you can consolidate your energy and give each goal the attention it deserves. If you tend to get easily distracted, start with just one.

Step 3: Turn Interests into SMART Goals

Now it’s time to turn those highlighted topics into actionable SMART goals. Here’s an example:

Goal Idea: An interest in cardiology and managing chronic conditions.

SMART Goal Example:
  • Specific: Develop a quality improvement project at work to educate community members on managing cardiac conditions, targeting patients who’ve experienced a myocardial infarction.
  • Measurable: Create a post-session survey to evaluate participant progress and gather feedback.
  • Achievable: Research similar programs, consult colleagues, and assess available government funding or resources.
  • Relevant: Look into data on readmission rates after a first myocardial infarction and medication misadventures, supported by anecdotal patient feedback.
  • Time-Bound: Set milestones, like finalising the project proposal by March, launching sessions by June, and reviewing outcomes in December.

Whether your goals are big projects like this or smaller commitments like completing one CPD activity per week or reading a research article every fortnight, defining them SMARTly will help you stay on track.

Step 4: Start Small, Think Big

Not every goal has to be elaborate. Small, consistent efforts add up over time. Here are some simpler examples:

  • Attend one pharmacy conference this year
  • Undertake a set number of rural locum shifts
  • Read one new journal article per fortnight

These incremental achievements contribute to your growth while keeping things manageable.

Step 5: Reflect and Share

As you set your goals for 2025, take a moment to reflect on what worked (or didn’t) in 2024. Learning from your past helps refine your approach and fuels future success.

We’d love to hear about your goals for the new year or your reflections on the past one. Share your aspirations in the comments, and let’s inspire each other to make 2025 the year of career progression and personal fulfilment!

Ella Shearing

How to Manage the Christmas Blues

Christmas is here!

Joy is in the world and everyone is getting ready to wrap up the year ending on a good note. Counterintuitively, in this time of joy, you may find yourself actually feeling a sense of sadness over the holiday period. Christmas blues are real and it happens to many of us. This is especially true for those who need to work over the holiday period or live away from family, or mourning a loved one. There is a real pressure to create or doing something exciting over Christmas. This is even more prominent as we are delivered with contrasting images of other people spending time with their family, on holidays travelling in amazing locations and spending time with their children – which has been exacerbated by social media. 

Many people may also feel lonely over this period. Loneliness is a feeling and like all feelings, it’s trying to tell us something. Experiencing loneliness lets us know that we aren’t feeling meaningfully connected enough with other people. It’s trying to motivate us to do something different. This doesn’t necessarily mean having lots of people to hang out with, it’s about having meaningful connections and feeling understood and supported. 

During this time, there are a few strategies you can implement in order to help alleviate the blue mood and feelings of loneliness over this holiday period. 

  • Make plans and keep a routine  – avoid being alone of Christmas (there are often hundreds of people in the same boat so aim to stick out an olive branch to someone else), keep busy and make a helpful routine that allows for predictability and allows you to commit to something 
  • Give back – volunteer over the Christmas period at a food shelter (which is an incredibly rewarding experience) 
  • Create connections – Connecting with others is an important part of being human. Healthy relationships support us, give us a sense of belonging and can improve our mental health and wellbeing. It can be hard to develop relationships though, and if we’re feeling lonely it can make this seem even more challenging. We might feel awkward, shy, or doubt ourselves and our ability to make friends. Being brave increases our chances of finding meaningful connections. You can implement this by joining a group, such as a run club or volunteer group or connecting with others with similar passions online. Headspace Peer-led chats host weekly discussions for young people by young people. You can join the Headspace online community to chat with peers about a variety of topics or view the transcripts.
  • Practise gratitude – for your work, your job and the people you help and serve each and every day. Show appreciation to others and towards yourself for all the work and help you provide.
  • Look after yourself – prioritise self-care activities like getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, staying active, and cutting back on alcohol and drugs. 

Remember to look out for yourself over this holiday period, and remember that you are not alone. There are many people out there who are in the same boat and there are many other pharmacists who also require extra support during these times. Support is available and here to help. The Pharmacy Support Service offers support related to the many demands of being a pharmacist in Australia. The Pharmacists’ Support Service is a free service run by pharmacists for pharmacists. It’s available 365 days a year is 8 am to 11 pm via 1300 244 910. 

Other helpful resources include Headspace for Young Australians and beyond blue. For urgent support, Lifeline is also available 24/7 on 13 11 14. 

Look after yourself this holiday season and remember you are not alone. 


Ella Shearing